The SBC vision

SBC Darts is one of the first professional providers in Germany to promote the trade in rare, signed and limited darts, jerseys and other rarities, thus helping every fan and collector to have an extraordinary collection.

From collector to collector. Over many years, many thousands of dart sets and other darts items passed through our hands. We paid hundreds of euros for excessive shipping costs from abroad, flat rates and other fees. Ultimately, we were often happy that privately purchased collectibles finally arrived after many weeks of waiting - but not always.

This has now come to an end. At SBC Darts you have the opportunity to order rare, signed and limited collectibles from all over the world, without waiting, without hidden fees. Of course, but with warranty, service, quality and speed.

Speaking of service:
We offer the unique service of commissioning rarities!
We'll look for exactly the item you're missing from your collection!
Simply use the contact form on the homepage, or write to us directly by email at or on Instagram.

Through personal contacts in the depths of professional darts all over the world, which have been maintained over many years, we are able to give you, the fans and collectors of this wonderful sport, access to articles and information that are rarely or not available at all or you only know it from stories.
This will change for you now, because you are now there!

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